Schnuckie Daniela Bilboa

um diesen

Das ist Daniela Gilboa.

 ein IDF Spotter

zur zeit ene hams geisel

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Spotters are female members of the IDF who observe the barriers/ bars along the border and activate complex technological systems to prevent the enemy from penetrating into Israel. Theirs is a difficult, cognitively and emotionally demanding job that entails hours of closely monitoring surveillance cameras, with the knowledge that missing even the slightest unusual event along the border could have disastrous effects on the entire country.

They didn’t miss Hamas’ preparations for the October 7 attack, says Tikva (not her real name), a spotter who had been on leave at her home in the north at the time of the attack. “We were all seeing Hamas militants training for exactly what happened: We saw them training to crash the fence, training to kill civilians, training to take back hostages. ”

Adds Michali (also not her real name), another spotter who was recently decommissioned, “We knew this would happen. We warned the higher ups. But they ignored us. They told us that they know better, even though this is our job—we have to know every tree, every tent, every pothole in our section, and especially to know when something unusual is happening. And we do.Spotters are female members of the IDF who observe the barriers along the border and activate complex technological systems to prevent the enemy from penetrating into Israel. Theirs is a difficult, cognitively and emotionally demanding job that entails hours of closely monitoring surveillance cameras, with the knowledge that missing even the slightest unusual event along the border could have disastrous effects on the entire country.

They didn’t miss Hamas’ preparations for the October 7 attack, says Tikva (not her real name), a spotter who had been on leave at her home in the north at the time of the attack. “We were all seeing Hamas militants training for exactly what happened: We saw them training to crash the fence, training to kill civilians, training to take back hostages. ”

Adds Michali (also not her real name), another spotter who was recently decommissioned, “We knew this would happen. We warned the higher ups. But they ignored us. They told us that they know better, even though this is our job—we have to know every tree, every tent, every pothole in our section, and especially to know when something unusual is happening. And we do.

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